A Creator’s Journey: Year 3, Month 1, Day 32
Photo Credit: Ewan_MacNeilage via Compfight cc

We’re back.

I was going to publishing a blog post last week giving you all an update on what’s been happening with The Star-Gazers Inn, however I fell ill and was bed-ridden for most of the week.

I’m much better now, though, and I’m happy to say that last week I was indeed able to finish the draft last Monday. I then sent it to a few trustworthy friends who gave it a little read and a couple of comments on what I could improve on.

Overall, about 5 people read it, two of them my blockmates back in college (and with a background in literature, I could be certain that these guy’s opinions do matter). One of them was my cousin, who’s a philosophy nut, voracious reader, and practically the smartest guy I know. The other one is, of course, Patrick. And the last is my wife, who after watching countless TV shows, movies, and after sharing numerous books with her, is a very difficult person to please when it comes to good storytelling.

Overall, I could say that I wish more of my friends volunteered to read it, but I’m pretty much satisfied with my selection. It gave me enough feedback to know what I needed to improve on in the script.

Overall, 4/5 liked the story and felt it was well done. Of course, there is room for improvement (and I’ll have to work on that in the 2nd draft) but the good news is that adjustments are mostly minor.

So right now, Pat’s working on the thumbnails and sketches. I’ve given him a deadline of the 15th to be done with all the thumbnails for the comic. After that, we move on towards creating the comic’s pages.

Our target date for publication is either after we’ve finished drawing half of the pages of the first episode, or by January of next year. Either way, we have till the end of the year to start stockpiling our pages for the webcomic.

In the meantime, while Pat’s working on the comic, I’ll start working on The Hawkers Project. I want to create a model that webcomic creators can take advantage of and really make a living off of their art, a long-term, sustainable living-one that wouldn’t require them to take on any other jobs.

Anyway, so now you know that we’re definitely making progress, and that, God-willing, we’ll be able to start posting our webcomic by the start of 2015.

Progress Report

The Star-Gazers Inn Episode 1 (1st Draft)
Currently Working on: Episode 1 Script

  • Backstory: 100%
  • Episode Outline: 100% (4th draft)
  • Pages Written: 55/55
  • Pages Thumbnailed: 0/60
  • Pages Sketched: 0/60
  • Pages Inked: 0/60

180 (1st Draft)
Currently Working on
: Character Development

  • Outline: 100%
  • Pages Thumbnailed: 0/180
  • Pages Sketched:: 0/180
  • Pages Inked: 0/180
  • Pages Colored: 0/180

The Hawkers Project (A.K.A. The Webcomic Creator’s Journey)
Currently Working on
: N/A

  • Outline: 1st Draft 100%
  • Pages Written: 0

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