You’re just as much a part of the Hawkers Project as we are, and we’d love to hear your thoughts, concerns, opinions, and questions. This way, we can better address those concerns and figure out ways to overcome them together.
After all, everyone’s main goal here is to Make Comics the Dream Job.
So send us an email for all or any of the following reasons…
- You have questions related to the content that we’re publishing.
- You have questions related to the webcomics that we’re publishing.
- You want to partner with us as webcomic creators yourselves.
- You want to be an active participant in the Hawkers Project and help provide valuable information for our benefit and for the benefit of our readers.
Small Talk…
- You want to share your opinions with us personally (so that we could also maybe address your concerns in a blog post).
- You want to thank us for one reason or another.
- You simply want to chat with us and get to know us better.
- You want to ask for our help when it comes to building your own website (though take note, our expertise isn’t at all in web design).
- You have marketing related questions about self-publishing or blogging topics that haven’t been addressed yet.
- You want to ask for our help in reviewing your comic (privately).
Reviews & Interviews…
- You want to request an official review (meaning, we’ll post it up on the blog) of your comic.
- You want to setup an interview or whatnot to get our opinion on certain topics.
Blog Related…
- You want to ask us about reprinting or re-posting one of our blog posts or comics.
- You want to ask us about writing a guest post or guest comic for our blog.
- You want to ask us how you can help support our journey throughout this process of making a living off of our art.
- You want to cheer us on and inspire us to work harder at what we’re doing.
If your intentions fall into any of the items above, feel free to send an email to: hawkersmag [at] gmail [dot] com
Q: What if I want to ask for an official review, advice, etc.?
Understand that most of our efforts are focused on trying to figure out how to make comics our livelihood. Hence, if you want us to make a review of your comic, please consider that we too have a schedule to keep (what with juggling our day jobs, our family life, and Hawkers Magazine altogether).
So to help us both out in the future, here are some guidelines to follow…
- There is NO GUARANTEE that we’re going to commit ourselves to writing a review of your comic (but submit your requests anyway. Besides, you may never know. It never hurts to try).
- Like most of the reviews posted on the site, expect yours to also be more focused on storytelling techniques rather than art. We like to believe that most popular books are popular because they have good stories.
- State a possible deadline on when you want your review to be published on the website.
- If there are a lot of people emailing and asking for advice on Making Comics the Dream Job then please bear with us. We’ll try to answer every single one of those emails (though it may take some time).
- If you’re going to ask for a chat or an interview, set several possible dates that you’re free, and we’ll try to see which one fits our own schedule.
Q: What if I want to ask for a commission?
- Again, there is NO GUARANTEE that we’ll be able to accomplish a commission (but we appreciate you considering us anyway. It makes our work here a bit more worthwhile).
- State a possible deadline of when you want your commission finished.
- We won’t require payment, but we’d appreciate it if you did donate a little something for our trouble.
If your comment or question doesn’t fall into any of the above guidelines, still feel free to email us and we’ll try to get back to you as soon as possible.